The “European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialisation investments (ESCP-S3) action of the COSME Framework Programme of the EU Commission contribute to boost industrial competitiveness and investment within the EU.
This action is facilitating Cluster Cooperation in thematic areas related to regional smart specialisation strategies and to increase the involvement of the industry in the context of the Smart Specialisaion Platform for Industrial Modernisation.
The full list of these nine new EU Cluster Partnership, including the cluster organisation memeber, number of SMEs involved and countries can be found on the ECCP, here.
At the launch event, all these partnerships have been awarded the label of “European strategic cluster partnership for smart specialisation investments” by Ms. Ulla Engelmann, head of unity at DG GROW of the European Commission which commits the partners of each EU Cluster partnership to work on a joint cooperation agenda with the aim to facilitate cluster cooperation and support the generation of joint actions and investmente projects under common smart specialisation priority areas linked to industrial modernisation. The EU Cluster partnershops thereby contribute to the EU Commission’s objectives to boost growth, jobs and investment in Europe.
In the image below you will see a recap for the encounter.