CONTEXT launches its second video

CONTEXT has launched a new promotional video. This is the second of a series of videos that CONTEXT is preparing to promote the network and spread the knowledge and use of smart textiles. CONTEXT act as stakeholder platform to identify needs and requirements from different points of view in a bottom-up...

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Egitto: missione industriale – Il Cairo, 17-19 ottobre 2021

Ice organizza una missione di collaborazione industriale in Egitto nella filiera della lavorazione della pelle. Nell’ambito delle attività promozionali di ICE Agenzia, l’Ufficio del Cairo organizza una missione di max n.30 operatori italiani della filiera della pelle che avrà luogo in Egitto dal 17 al 19 ottobre 2021, per promuovere azioni...

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PRISMA | PRato Industrial SMart Accelerator

Il progetto CTE PRISMA si propone di creare una nuova infrastruttura di trasferimento tecnologico per indagare e sfruttare il potenziale innovativo delle tecnologie emergenti applicate al settore tessile-moda (T&M) e al Made in Italy. Il Percorso di accelerazione per ogni startup avrà la possibilità di: – Far parte del principale network italiano...

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Do you want to visit the different GALACTICA innovation ecosystems?

GALACTICA has prepared 8 Learning Expeditions in Fall 2021 to foster collaboration among Aerospace, Textile and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors.  Inter-cluster learning expeditions experiences will consist of cross-sectoral visits to industry-leading companies followed by co-creation workshops to facilitate cross-sectoral idea generation. Learning Expeditions are an opportunity to visit, learn and listen to success stories from leading companies from...

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European regions ready to lead the green and digital transition

On June 22nd, the Interreg Europe project SMARTY brought together a panel of experts from different European regions to share their experience in helping SMEs embrace the digital and green transformation. The 3rd SMARTY Interregional Policy Brokerage—a workshop organised biannually to present and analyse good practices that help SMEs adopt...

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Guarda il nuovo video di CONTEXT sugli “smart textiles”

CONTEXT, realtà che riunisce ricercatori europei, produttori e le principali parti interessate al fine di sviluppare idee e iniziative comuni che possono essere trasformate in prodotti tessili intelligenti avanzati, ha lanciato un nuovo video promozionale. Si tratta del primo di una serie di video che CONTEXT sta preparando per promuovere...

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GALACTICA launches 8 Learning expeditions to foster cross-sectoral innovation

GALACTICA launches 8 Learning expeditions to foster cross-sectoral innovation in Aerospace, Textiles and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors to be held along October & November. July 21st, 2021– GALACTICA launched, last week, the registration and information for the 8 learning expeditions among the different prioritized sectors: textile, aeronautics/aerospace and advanced manufacturing. At...

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